Tuesday, September 14, 2010


When I started collecting old pieces of plates, teapots etc. I never did know that I ended up with so many others things in my house. Table lamps and hanging lamps are one of them. Coming up I will be featuring some of my lamp collections and hope you enjoy the beautiful lamp as I did.


Victoria said...

May felicidades es preciooooooos.
También me gusta todo lo que es viejo,antiguo,incluso hay personas que lo tiran a la basurao te lo regalan porque se han cansado de ello.yo las recojo y luego las recicle.Tengo muchisimas cosas ya restauradas-
Gracias porcompartir.Recibe mi cariño desde España.Victoria

MAY said...

Congratulations may is preciooooooos.
I also like everything that is old, old, even there are people who pull it to the basurao so give you because you have tired of ello.yo pick them up and then the recicle.Tengo muchisimas things already restored -
Thanks porcompartir.Recibe my love from Spain. Victoria
[Automatically translated by Microsoft® Translator]

MAY said...

The above is the translation from Victoria comments.

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